2018 Tax Appeal – Professor Lyn Beazley
Mesothelioma is an asbestos-related terminal cancer with no long-term treatment or cure. On average, one person dies every 12 hours in Australia from Mesothelioma. In Western Australia mesothelioma kills more people than road accidents.
“I am delighted and honoured to be Patron to the Reflections Through Reality Foundation. The dedicated team is supporting the world class research taking place here in Western Australia seeking a cure for mesothelioma. I also applaud their work in increasing awareness of the risks of asbestos in the community along with supporting sufferers of asbestos-related disease. I am proud to be part of the fight to make this cruel disease a thing of our past and not our future.”
Professor Lyn Beazley
We invite you to be part of this important work either through a one-off donation or regular giving. All donations over $2 are tax deductible.