Gotta do what you gotta do – one sufferers very real journey
That initial diagnosis of MESOTHELIOMA is overwhelming and the journey that follows can be rough. Rod Burrows shares his journey with mesothelioma to encourage and inspire fellow sufferers.
“Welcome to my fight. I thought I would write a blog about my experience with this nasty little disease, mainly because I like to write, but also because not much is written about mesothelioma. It’s a rather forgotten, old man’s, industrial disease that struggles to compete for funding, recognition and support. However the demographic of the afflicted is changing. More and more younger people, females and people with no industrial exposure to asbestos are succumbing to it. This number is only going to increase in the coming years.
I’m one of that new demographic, and so was my mother. My mother died of mesothelioma in 2005 after a very short battle. She did not work with asbestos but was merely a passive bystander in a workplace that has had more than their fair share of unfortunate sufferers. I suspect the source of my asbestos exposure was also the same as my mother’s.
I was diagnosed with mesothelioma in October 2017 and have started treatment. My mother was 67 when she died. I am 56, so hopefully, I have youth (relatively speaking) on my side.
Also on my side is Paige, my beautiful wife. I know even now, without her, I would’ve just rolled over and accepted my fate. I’m going to have to accept my fate eventually, but Paige will make sure it’s on our terms. Paige will also contribute to this blog, so if you come across a post that is eloquent, rational and with zero mistakes, you can be sure it was written by Paige.
In just a few weeks, we have come across some amazing people who have battled with the disease for years. Their stories are inspiring and their concern for their fellow sufferers is exceptional. We look forward to adding to that community as best we can. You don’t need to have cancer to do the same.“
Rod and Paige