Compensation Entitlements for Sufferers of Asbestos-Related disease

Did you know there are compensation entitlements available to sufferers of asbestos-related disease? But there are things they need to know…
Sufferers of asbestos diseases including mesothelioma, lung cancer, asbestosis and pleural disease are often unaware that they have compensation entitlements and that there are time limits restraining how long they have to commence a claim.
Different countries and indeed each State of Australia have their own specific time limits.
Some States have no time limit while others have extremely strict time limits. For the States with strict time limits, a person is barred from bringing a claim for compensation if they do not commence proceedings within the legally allotted time frame. This means if a sufferer commences proceedings after the relevant time limit expires then they are, in most circumstances, no longer entitled to compensation.
The matter of time limits is complicated particularly where a person has exposure to asbestos in more than one state and/or overseas. It is, for this reason, it is imperative that sufferers of asbestos disease seek legal advice from an expert asbestos lawyer as soon as they are diagnosed with an asbestos disease to ensure their entitlements are protected.
When it comes to people suffering from mesothelioma seeking legal advice as a matter of urgency is imperative, as court proceedings must be commenced in their lifetime to ensure the amount for general damages (also known as pain and suffering) survives for the benefit of their Estate. If proceedings are not commenced within a person’s lifetime their loved ones are under-compensated.
Should you have any questions please contact us and we can ensure you are put in touch with an experienced asbestos lawyer who can provide you with obligation-free advice.
The Reflections Team