Steeltoes & Stilettos – Australia’s leading tradie fundraiser, bringing Asbestos Awareness to the big stage.

On Friday 18 November at the Hyatt Regency Perth, 31 brave tradies took to the runway to raise funds and awareness of the ongoing dangers of asbestos. Just over $47,000 was raised by our tradies and through raffles and a silent auction… so close to our target of $50,000. Funds that will be used to increase awareness and reduce the impact of asbestos on the next generations.
Our 3rd Steeltoes & Stilettos, over 200 attendees were highly entertained by the antics of the tradies as they strut their stuff for the cause. Paired with models who were dressed in gowns by Raimonds, the tradies competed in four trade runways – Carpentry, Masonry, Electrical, and Plumbing – hoping to be selected by our esteemed judging panel as finalists. The chosen eight were then given the chance to walk again in the grand final runway, with Lizzy ‘the Grano Girl’ Eaton, taking out the title of this year’s Steeltoes Tradie Model of the Year.
Prizes were also awarded to the highest fundraiser, Lachy ‘Strawberry Daiquiri’ Butler, and two minor prizes were awarded for fundraising efforts to Evan Turner and Noah Stafford. Well done!

A big shout-out to all our sponsors and supporters including our Runway sponsors Bunnings Trade, Colgan Industries, Electrical & Communications Association of WA, and Master Plumbers & Gasfitters Association WA/MPA Insurance along with our Footwear sponsor, Hark Yakka. Sponsorship enables us to use the funds raised by the tradies to increase asbestos awareness.
Our hosts, Dan Bailey (Tradie HQ) and Jo Morris (Reflections) welcomed everyone and our MC, Christina Morrissy, guided us through the evening. John Gelavis, spoke about why he supports the work Reflections does and the ongoing need for asbestos safety both in trades and in the broader community.
Master Builders salute the active role that Reflections plays in raising awareness of the potentially fatal risk of dealing with asbestos in the building and construction industry. Events such as this bring the asbestos message to a wider audience and help make young people aware of the terrible outcomes associated with this dangerous substance.
John Gelavis, Executive Director Master Builders and Reflections Ambassador
If you would like to get involved in Steeltoes & Stilettos next time, let us know and we will keep you informed in the lead-up. And donations can still be made if you would like to help us get to our target of $50,000. Donations are tax-deductible and will make a real difference.
Asbestos has left a devastating legacy in WA. With the highest recorded rates of mesothelioma in the world and, likely, the most in-situ asbestos of all the states.
Asbestos was used in over 3000 common products prior to being phased out by 1990 and banned in 2003. It is still in millions of homes and public and commercial buildings making it a very real and ongoing threat.
Founded in 2015 by Jo Morris and her father Barry Knowles, Reflections is a not-for-profit REDUCING THE IMPACT of asbestos and BRINGING HOPE to those affected.
My dad was the apprentice carpenter who didn’t know about the dangers of asbestos and paid the ultimate price. This event not only keeps asbestos on the radar, it also generates much-needed funds which we will use to inform the next generation of tradies. To sponsors, partners, production teams, tradies, guests and the Reflections Team – THANK YOU!! Together we ARE reducing the impact of asbestos on future generations.
Jo Morris
Pics and videos of the night will be on our Steeltoes & Stilettos Facebook page.