Support For Sufferers
When you or a loved one are diagnosed with mesothelioma, it can be overwhelming. The shock of being diagnosed with an incurable cancer with no long-term treatment is not easy for anyone, regardless of background. It is normal to feel angry, alone, empty or scared following diagnosis., particularly if the diagnosis is accompanied by acute illness and/or a hospital stay.
Our team at Reflections have unique experience and understanding of the difficulties of living with and caring for loved ones with mesothelioma. We understand how bleak the diagnosis can feel and just how difficult those early days and weeks can be. We are here to support and walk beside you.
Available during business hours (WA time) we endeavour to respond to your enquiry within 24 hours. All support services are free of charge, and we do not require contracts, memberships or exclusivity. In fact, if you know of services that may benefit other mesothelioma clients, we would love to share that information. We do not receive ongoing government funding and guarantee that donations received will be used for the specified purpose.